Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Great showing for our 1st Annual VOCL Voter Awareness Clinic and Candidate Forum

I want to thank all the candidates that supported this event by attending. It was great for you to have taken the time to show up. I want to thank Jay and Karen Sorah, Darrel, Leann and Josh Russell, Pastor Joe Bruce and my wife Amy for all the support and all the things you did to make this a success. I want to thank the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and the Azle News for their attendance. I want to thank all the people that came to learn more about the voting process and I hope you it was informative for you.

Candidates in Attendance:
Larry Kilgore
Phil King
Deeia Beck
Barcus "Barc" Hunter
George Conley
Barry Bobo
Richard Pettigrew
Jerry Mitchell
Keith Springfield
Clint Hall
Larry Lippincott
Marjorie King

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Update of candidates committed to Voter Awareness Clinic

Zan Statham-Parker County Republican Chair-Incumbant

Larry Kilgore-United States Senate

Phil King-Texas State Representative District 61-Incumbant
Joe Tison-Texas State Representative District 61

Deeia Beck-2nd Court of Appeals, Place 2

Larry Lippincott-Parker County Tax Assessor-Collector-Incumbant
Majorie King-Parker County Tax Assessor-Collector

Jerry Mitchell-Parker County Commissioner Precinct 1
Barry Bobo-Parker County Commissioner Precinct 1
Keith Springfield-Parker County Commissioner Precinct 1
George A. Conley-Parker County Commissioner Precinct 1
Richard Pettigrew-Parker County Commissioner Precinct 1

Pro-Abortionists Republicans Endorse McCain

Pro-Abortion Republicans Endorse McCain

By John Connolly

ALEXANDRIA, Virginia, February 6, 2008 ( - John McCain has received another endorsement in the wake of his victories on February 5, "Super Tuesday." The Republicans for Choice Political Action Committee decided that McCain was the best candidate to make the Republican Party pro-choice following Rudy Giuliani's withdrawal from the race, reported CNS News today.

McCain, long a favorite with the "moderate" Republicans, won significant numbers of delegates in Tuesday's primaries.

Republicans for Choice PAC wants to see the Republican Party transformed from a party of religious values and social conservatism to one of conservative economics and liberal social policies concerning abortion and homosexuality. Embracing abortion is seen as the quickest road to the Republicans regaining power.

"I would contend that the issues and hypocrisy surrounding our Party's conflict over a woman's right to choose helped set the stage for the Party's downfall this past year," writes Republicans for Choice PAC founder, Ann E. W. Stone on the PAC's website. "And until they recognize these problems we won't regain the Congress or keep the White House...and frankly we won't deserve to."

Republicans for Choice initially favored Rudy Giuliani for president, but have given their endorsement to McCain following Giuliani's withdrawal from the race on January 29. Stone says that McCain is the least pro-life candidate in the field, and is thus deserving of the Republicans for Choice endorsement.

"[McCain] is [pro-life], but it's not at the top of his agenda, not like Huckabee or the born-again Romney," Stone said in an interview with CNS News. "He's shown his willingness to reach across the party, and we look forward to those discussions."

A more radical PAC, Republican Majority for Choice, has not endorsed any candidate yet for fear it would hurt the endorsee's campaign. The PAC only endorses pro-choice candidates, and felt it was too early to endorse Giuliani.

"We support the protection of reproductive rights, including the full range of reproductive options," says the Republican Majority for Choice website. "We believe that personal and medical decisions are best made between a woman, her doctor and her family and out of the hands of government. We are deeply concerned with the direction of our Party if it continues to endorse a social agenda that is both intrusive and alienating."

The removal of the pro-life plank from the Republican Party has many pro-life voters concerned. Life issues appear to have faded into the background, next to electability considerations.

"My first thought was how embarrassing for the pro-lifers who have signed on for McCain," said Colleen Parro, executive director of the Republican National Coalition for Life to CNS News.

The pro-choice endorsement is particularly embarrassing to Senator Sam Brownback, who endorsed McCain when his own presidential campaign fizzled early in the running. Brownback has constantly been questioned about his endorsement since it became apparent that McCain had not changed his stance on embryonic stem-cell research, and that he is passive when it comes to homosexual "marriage."

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Statement from Lou Engle on his website

To The Nation

I am speaking now for my own personal perspective and not from any ministry I lead.

This past several weeks I posted a video stating that I could never voted for John McCain because he had voted for the funding of embryonic stem cell research. I have made a vow that I would not be a participant in either the shedding of innocent blood or in the taking of any life at any stage. It is my conviction that fertilized embryos are living cells. As we know, today there are walking living human beings that were once embryonic stem cells that could have been killed for research purposes. I have received some excellent feedback both for and against concerning my video. One of the arguments against my stand is that science has now found a procedure that makes embryonic stem cell research a moot point. Therefore they say McCain will not have to face this issue according to this argument. Major Catholic leaders have come out and now endorse John McCain because of this supposedly closed issue. Because of this, I have withdrawn the video because I don’t believe that I could lay my convictions on others who will be faced with a major decision on whether their conscience could allow them to vote for McCain.

As for me, and not my ministry, I remain steadfast in my earlier conviction that I cannot vote for John McCain. I would like to include a part of James Dobson’s statement concerning McCain because there are obviously other issues involved. You may ask me, “Shouldn’t we vote for McCain because he is certainly better than Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama?” My answer is maybe you should, but I have been praying that God would drive the abortion issue like a wedge into this nation. Why should I take the wedge out by softening my stand? If the church came out in mass and united behind a true pro-life candidate, like Mike Huckabee, it would forever make a statement to the Republican Party that we are not yours we are God’s. Maybe it would be better to lose an election than to have another Missouri Compromise that keeps dumbing down the issue and will eventually bring us to divine judgment because we have ceased to become the conscience of the nation. What is better, a compromising Zedekiah, or a hostile Nebuchadnezzer? God was able to do more with the pagan king Nebuchadnezzer than he could with the compromising king of Judah. Maybe our thinking is all humanistic and we believe in politics more than the power of prayer.

Many of you have read my article on the five loaves and two fish candidate. You can read it again on my blog. I believe that the sudden surge of Huckabee and his confession that it was because of the prayers of the saints, could have been a sign and a test for the body of Christ to see whether or not we had eyes to see what we have been praying for, for so long. The brown bag container may have been just too much for us, and we stumbled over the simplicity of the voice. Here is a man, Mike Huckabee, that has stood for both a federal human life amendment and a federal marriage amendment arguing the brilliant case that to drive the issues to the states like John McCain would want to, is to make morality geographical. That is what slavery was! But no- we opted out and took the lie of elect-ability. There was no clear prophetic clarity in the body of Christ and so we settle for that which can neither give us a true plumb line of righteousness or a measuring line of justice and we perpetrate the ongoing moral confusion that threatens to drown this nation and bring about a complete collapse of character. (I am deeply concerned about the immigration issue and am praying that Huckabee would take much more of a compassionate stand for illegal immigrants. Still my stand of conscience is upon the foundations of life and marriage.)

But it is not over; the word was that if the church would pray the next president would come in a brown bag and his five loaves and two fish would be more than enough. Mitt Romney has dropped out of the race. If the church would rise up with one voice in prayer and in voting a Godly man whom I have had the privilege to personally spend time with now and who stands on the values of marriage and life upon which civilizations rise and fall could still be elected. And even yet if we pray God may do other things that no one could have expected. For He raises up kings and He brings them down. So I lay before you my convictions but I don’t lay them upon you. But here I stand I can do no other.

For America,
Lou Engle

Statement made by James Dobson on February 5, 2008:

"I'm deeply disappointed the Republican Party seems poised to select a nominee who did not support a constitutional amendment to protect the institution of marriage, who voted for embryonic stem cell research to kill nascent human beings, who opposed tax cuts that ended the marriage penalty, and who has little regard for freedom of speech, who organized the Gang of 14 to preserve filibusters, and has a legendary temper and often uses foul and obscene language… I cannot, and will not, vote for Sen. John McCain, as a matter of conscience.” 

"But what a sad and melancholy decision this is for me and many other conservatives. Should Sen. McCain capture the nomination as many assume, I believe this general election will offer the worst choices for president in my lifetime. I certainly can't vote for Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama based on their virulently anti-family policy positions. If these are the nominees in November, I simply will not cast a ballot for president for the first time in my life. These decisions are my personal views and do not represent the organization with which I am affiliated. They do reflect my deeply held convictions about the institution of the family, about moral and spiritual beliefs, and about the welfare of our country."

James Dobson’s endorsement of Huckabee on February 7, 2008:

“The remaining candidate for whom I could vote is Governor Huckabee,” Dobson said. “His unwavering positions on the social issues, notably the institution of marriage, the importance of faith and the sanctity of human life, resonate deeply with me and with many others … Obviously, the governor faces an uphill struggle, given the delegates already committed to Senator McCain. Nevertheless, I believe he is our best remaining choice for president of the United States.”

My final statement:

I have heard such scathing comments against James Dobson from the body of Christ for his stand. Be careful you may be among those who stone the prophets. The great abolitionist heroes of the past were not known nor are now heralded by history for their political equivocation.

2-11-08 Mike Huckabee for President Fort Worth Meetup

I attended the Meetup last night and met some really awesome people. Ben Deckert and his wife Melinda were great. Phil King was the speaker for the evening. I had the honor of buying him coffee and pecan pie. We spoke for a while on RINO's (Republicans in Name Only) and his future. He really needs our support. If there is anyone who would be willing to put out a sign, let me know. I have about 15 yard signs. I encourage everyone to visit this site and consider joining and attending.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Huckabee takes Louisiana and Kansas, Washington still up in the air.

Congrats on Mike taking the Louisiana and Kansas caucuses. This makes Mike undefeated since Romney dropped out.

Washington state is still up in the air. Apparantly the Party Chair in Washington decided to call it for McCain with over 1500 votes yet to be counted and Huckabee was only trailing by 200 or so votes. The remaining precincts are said to be heavy Huckabee precincts. I do want to note, this is not the McCain camp that is doing this, it is the Republican Party Chair in Washington state. I do know that Huckabee has sent his team of lawyers to investigate the incident and demand that the votes be counted.

February 26th @ 7PM-Voter Awareness Clinic at Church

2008 Voter Awareness Clinic is being held at Real Family Fellowship on Feb. 26th @ 7 PM. This will be an opportunity for you to get up to date on the candidates and issues that are on the Parker County ballot. Jay Sorah and myself will be your commentators for the evening. All candidates on the Parker County ballot who have opponents have been invited to speak.

We are putting this on because as the Election Judge over the past few years, the biggest complaint I hear is that they don't know what they are voting on or for. We want to change that this year.

So, if you have a friend or relative or neighbor that needs some information about the upcoming March 4th primary, tell them about this clinic.


Commited candidates so far:

Larry Lippincott-Incumbant Tax Assessor-Collector
Phil King-Texas State Representative District 61 (Parker/Wise Counties)

Thursday, February 7, 2008

UPDATE: Huckabee get's endorsement from Dr. James Dobson

Special Alert
Feb. 7, 2008

Dr. James Dobson issues the following statement tonight, speaking as a private citizen.

I am endorsing Gov. Mike Huckabee for President of the United States today. My decision comes in the wake of my statement on Super Tuesday that I could not vote for Sen. John McCain, even if he goes on to win the Republican nomination. His record on the institution of the family and other conservative issues makes his candidacy a matter of conscience and concern for me.

That left two pro-family candidates whom I could support, but I was reluctant to choose between them. However, the decision by Gov. Mitt Romney to put his campaign "on hold" changes the political landscape. The remaining candidate for whom I could vote is Gov. Huckabee. His unwavering positions on the social issues, notably the institution of marriage, the importance of faith and the sanctity of human life, resonate deeply with me and with many others. That is why I will support Gov. Huckabee through the remaining primaries, and will vote for him in the general election if he should get the nomination. Obviously, the governor faces an uphill struggle, given the delegates already committed to Sen. McCain. Nevertheless, I believe he is our best remaining choice for President of the United States.

(NOTE: Dr. Dobson made these statements as a private citizen. This article is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as a reflection of the opinions of Focus on the Family or Focus on the Family Action.)


By ERIC GORSKI AP Religion Writer
© 2008 The Associated Press

— James Dobson, one of the nation's most prominent evangelical Christian leaders, is about to endorse former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, The Associated Press has learned.

Dobson, founder of Colorado Springs, Colo.-based Focus on the Family, talked to the GOP presidential hopeful Thursday and later was to release a statement explaining his choice, said Gary Schneeberger, a spokesman for Dobson.

Huckabee had long sought Dobson's endorsement, believing he is the best fit to advance Dobson's conservative, moral worldview.

Until now, Dobson had never endorsed a GOP presidential hopeful during the primary campaign. But he ruled out front-runner John McCain in a blistering commentary on Super Tuesday, and on Thursday the fight for the GOP nomination narrowed to a two-man race between McCain and Huckabee, who is far behind in the delegate count but pledged to fight on. Mitt Romney, a third hopeful trying to claim the conservative label, dropped out of the race Thursday.

Dobson released a statement Tuesday that criticized McCain for his support of embryonic stem cell research, his opposition to a federal anti-gay marriage amendment and for his temper and use of foul language.

He said if McCain were the nominee, he would not cast a ballot for president for the first time in his life.

Dobson had left open the possibility that he would vote for either Romney or Huckabee, but endorsed neither.

Throughout the unsettled GOP race, Dobson picked his spots to signal that some candidates simply didn't meet his standards. Dobson wrote on a conservative news Web site that he wouldn't support former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani should he win the Republican nomination. Dobson called Giuliani an "unapologetic supporter of abortion on demand" and criticized him for signing a bill in 1997 creating domestic-partnership benefits in New York City.

At one point, Dobson said he'd consider voting for a minor-party candidate if faced with Giuliani as the nominee.

Later, Dobson ruled out former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson for his stands on issues. Dobson also said Thompson "has no passion, no zeal, and no apparent 'want to.'"

Dobson emphasizes that when he endorses candidates, he is doing so as a private citizen and not as a representative of Focus on the Family, a tax-exempt organization.

And then there were 2

Mitt Romney officially dropped out of the race today. He calls it suspending, but most political pundits say that is so he can still take contributions to help offset the $35 million of his money he put in.

That leaves John McCain and Mike Huckabee to fight to the finish. If you have not, please sign up to make calls for Huckabee. Romney all but endorsed McCain. He never said he endorsed him, but he called him by name and not Huckabee.

Please donate if you can and what you can. Go to to contribute and remember to use donor code R1702.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

UPDATED: Huck takes WV, TN, AL, AR and GA during Super Tuesday

UPDATED:Huckabee took wins in the winner take all states of West Virginia and Georgia. He also took wins in Tennessee, Alabama and Arkansas while finishing a close second in Missouri and Oklahoma.

Next up will be Washington, Kansas and Lousiana on Feb. 9th and then on Feb. 12th is DC, Virginia and Maryland.

Please continue to pray for this campaign. Pray of rest and financial prosperity.

I also ask that you call any one you know that lives in the above states and tell them to vote for Mike.

Thanks, Jon


Mike strikes first where he has won 18 delegates in winner take all West Virginia. Keep praying.

This is the prayer we started this morning and have been praying all day.


We come to you now, petitioning your angels to surround Governor Huckabee and his staff. We pray for supernatural voting to happen today. We pray that as the undecided voters go to the polls in 24 states that you make Mike Huckabee bold and very plain to see. Let them see he is the only choice. Touch their hearts, open their eyes. I am claiming that supernatural victory today. I am claiming that the 5 loaves and 2 fish man be raised up above the rest. When the dust settles, all will see who your choice is. Father, I pray for continued financial blessings over his campaign and I pray for rest for him and his staff. Father at the end of the day, you will be glorified above all other names. I lift this man up to you. Hear our prayers and make this a super day for supernatural victory.


Friday, February 1, 2008

Sean Hannity endorses Romney, THE TRUTH

I needed to send this out, but I was very hesitant. However, after the endorsement that Mitt Romney received from Sean Hannity yesterday, I cannot hold my silence anymore.

In 2006, Bain Capital, which was founded by Mitt Romney, purchased Clear Channel Communications. Clear Channel owns and operates over 1200 radio and tv stations in America. Some of their talk show host include, Rush Limbaugh, who has stated that electing John McCain or Mike Huckabee would destroy the integrity of the Republican Party. It also includes Sean Hannity, who I stated earlier endorsed Mitt Romney. Sean Beck has continually slammed Mike Huckabee on several issues. I don’t know about you but it is clear that Ol’ Mitt is buying this election if he wins.

Please, pass this on to everyone you know. The light has to be shed on this man.

Silent Souls for Huckabee

Here is a website I found that I think everyone will agree is a great website.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Thirty Pieces of Silver

This was sent to me by Greg Grant. He found it on The Values Voter Blog. Thanks Greg.

Thirty Pieces of Silver

A very good article by Chad Stenzel that deals with the sell-out of conservative voters by the Clear Channel/Times Square crowd and the K street folks. I helped put Bush in office, but will not vote for their "establishment" GOP candidates - Romney or Giuliani - under any condition no matter what. And though the Times Square crowd is deluding themselves into the idea of holding the coalition together with a social liberal that they've anointed, many values voters feel exactly the same way. We're being sold out.

Thirty Pieces of SilverBy: Chad Stenzel

"Then he threw down the pieces of silver in the temple and departed, and went and hanged himself…(Now this man purchased a field with the wages of iniquity; and falling headlong, he burst open in the middle and all his entrails gushed out…)"
Matt 27:5 and Acts 1:18. NKJV

The ancient text above paints a gruesome picture of the untimely demise of a man who betrayed the principles he espoused and, ultimately, brought a prophesied conclusion to one chapter of the life of the only perfect man to walk this planet. It’s difficult to fathom the pressure and self-loathing he must have felt when he realized he sold his soul and became the pawn of a malevolent force for such a paltry sum. One wonders if the lesson of this man can be used to offer the olive branch of hope and second chances to those who have lost their way, before it’s too late. Or, will this man’s awful example be dismissed and tossed on the ash-heap of history.
More than 2000 years later, the amounts have changed. And while, the payouts may be bigger, the stakes are not. This time it’s the soul of a political party and not the eternal condition of man-kind in the balance. Still, there are parallels that beg to be drawn and, for some, priceless insights to be gained. The Republican party is at a crossroads and party leaders have largely eschewed the straight and narrow path of conviction for the well-traveled and well-financed freeway of political expediency.

If you have listened to talk radio or perused a conservative column in the last 60 days, you know two things. Mitt Romney is a true conservative and the next best thing to Ronald Wilson Reagan and Mike Huckabee is either a dangerous liberal that would tear the GOP apart or, he’s a one-trick pony that appeals to right-wing religious weirdoes only. More on the contradictory descriptions of Huckabee later, first let’s examine the Republican media establishment’s exuberant adoration of the man they call Mitt.

Originally, there were to be three acceptable choices the right-wing media elites would champion. All three had large corporate backing and each had their group of insiders on K street. Unfortunately, once the posturing was over and the voting began, the Republican primary attendees had the unmitigated gall to vote for someone who wasn’t one of “The Chosen.” Things were further complicated when one of the triumvirate decided he would rather play the part of a District Attorney on TV then a presidential candidate in real life. Another acceptable candidate took a cue from his fellow New Yorkers and retired to South Florida rather than run a national campaign. This left Mitt Romney, the one-term governor from Massachusetts as the only viable candidate in the eyes of the chattering class. One problem. The former governor was a brie cheese and wine-class, socially liberal, flip-flopping politician from the most far-left state in the union. These folks had spent all of 2004 convincing people that John Kerry (who fit that exact description himself) would be a disaster for the country. What is a principled political wag to do?

Governor Romney had something going for him besides personal wealth and central casting looks. The governor was the founder of Bain Capital, a private equity group. The company specializes in leverage buyouts and made billions of dollars throughout the eighties and nineties. This is the company that made Mitt Romney a wealthy man, with a net worth around $250,000,000. Romney, who stepped down in 1999 when he took over the Salt Lake City Olympics, is still a silent partner in the company and, according to the governor’s financial disclosure, will continue to receive profits from Bain Capital through February 2009. These facts alone might seem innocuous enough, but consider the latest acquisition Bain has its eye on.
Clear Channel Communications is a media giant by any definition of the word. This behemoth owns more than 1,200 radio stations as well as syndication companies and billboard advertising. The company owns Premier Radio Network which has the syndication rights to the Rush Limbaugh show, Glen Beck and a host of others. Premier boasts more than 90 radio shows in its stable and offers services to more than 4,600 affiliates. Clear channel also has a lucrative contract with Sean Hannity, which agrees to air his program on 80 of their stations through 2010. In addition, nearly every talk radio host in America relies on Clear Channel stations for a large portion of their audience. Talkers like Mark Levin, Laura Ingraham and Mike Gallagher would suffer greatly if they were cut out by Clear Channel.

In a deal that has been in the works for some time, Bain Capital is leading a consortium that has offered to buy Clear Channel for the tidy sum of 19.5 BILLION dollars. The FCC recently approved the acquisition and Clear Channel execs expect the transaction to be finalized sometime in the first quarter of 2008. The fact that Romney’s company is purchasing CCC isn’t a problem. The governor’s liberal past and the way it’s being covered up and explained away is another matter.Most talking heads and pundits will stipulate that Mitt was wrong on abortion until he studied stem-cell research and saw the light. However, in 2002 Mitt said,
“I am in favor of stem cell research. I will work and fight for stem cell research. I’d be happy to talk to (President Bush) about this, though I don’t know if I could budge him an inch.”
Romney also supported a government mandated health care plan that fined people for not participating and offered abortion on demand for $50. (Somewhere Hillary Clinton just said, “Amen.”) There are other disturbing inconsistencies in Romney’s record but you’ll have to do your own research to find them. The inside the beltway boys and girls are mum when it comes to Mitt’s other transgressions against conservative orthodoxy. Here are some of Mitt’s greatest hits.

“I will preserve and protect a women’s right to choose and am devoted and dedicated to honoring my word in that regard”

“We do have tough gun laws in Massachusetts; I support them. I won’t chip away at them; I believe they protect us and provide for our safety.”

“I was an independent during the time of Reagan-Bush. I’m not trying to return to Reagan-Bush”

Along with those gems Romney has supported a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants that would not require them to leave the country and has opposed amendments to ban gay marriage. Despite these facts, we’re led to believe by the Clear Channel Crowd that Barry Goldwater has returned and, this time, he’s from Massachusetts.

When you hear Rush, Sean or Glen downplay Mitt’s past and exhort you to trust his conversion to the Right, consider something Hannity wrote in his book Let Freedom Ring. In a chapter about abortion Sean excoriates Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Dick Gephardt and Jessie Jackson for supporting pro-life positions when they were seeking local political office in conservative regions and then becoming pro-abortion as they sought nationwide acceptance from the Democratic party. The section ends thusly:

“I’m not naïve about politics, and I understand that at times politicians feel they have to adjust or change their positions to be successful. But it’s completely reprehensible for them to do so with respect to a fundamental moral issue. Either these men never believed in their earlier stated moral position, or their lust for high office overpowered their moral convictions. In either case, their conduct is deceitful. And their attempt to besmirch those with whom they once stood as “anti-choice extremists” is cynical beyond description.”

Amen, brother Sean.

If the propping up of Mitt Romney by these champions of the conservative cause is curious, then the vitriol they hurl at Mike Huckabee is downright disturbing. What is it about a man of faith with a stellar record as governor and rock-solid conservative credentials that has these people running scared? One doesn’t have to listen or look long to see Huck compared to either Elmer Gantry or Jimmy Carter. If this attempt to mischaracterize the governor wasn’t so transparently desperate and patently vulgar it would be laughable.

Mike Huckabee has the most consistent conservative record in the field by a mile. He has been unwavering in his support of a Right to Life amendment. This has been a plank in the Republican platform for 30 years and yet no other candidate is willing to make that kind of stand. The governor has been a stalwart defendant of the second amendment, often pointing out it has nothing to do with the right to hunt. Some of his opponents think the right to bear arms means sleeveless shirts are constitutionally protected. Mike has the most comprehensive border security plan in the field. It calls for the fence to be completed in eighteen months using American labor and materials. He is also the only candidate consistently calling for the release of border agents and heroes Campion and Ramos. His border security plan won the endorsement of Jim Gilchrist the founder of the Minutemen. On top of this, he’s the only candidate calling for the end of the IRS and its oppressive taxation on productivity. If that isn’t conservative, then Ann Coulter needs to loose weight. His record is so solid that Duncan Hunter (a hero for many in the right-wing media) endorsed him, when he abandoned his own candidacy, to the consternation of those now pushing candidates with their off-shore accounts in mind. You’ll recall Hunter is the man who championed tight border controls and rebuked Mitt Romney for Bain Capital’s partnership with a Chinese corporation that had dubious ties to terrorists.

There’s something about Huckabee that scares the Newark out of elites. They see a man of principle that can’t be bought, borrowed or stolen. They have taken notice of the people who support him and tremble at the loyalty they show. You see, they have demonstrably promoted a conservative agenda for years. But there was always a status quo safety net in case of an emergency. Now people of faith are actually trying to run the party after years of loyalty as the faithful foot soldiers. This doesn’t sit well with the cocktails and croquet set in Palm Beach. However, a movement has begun and voters are awakening.

Notwithstanding these facts, if you tune in to Mark Levin you’ll hear him reach Hillaryesque shrillness as he obfuscates the records of Huckabee and Romney, one for ill and the other for canonization. When this happens, for his benefit, and that of his friends in the media, remind yourself who the true conservative is and dismiss the man that would seek to purchase that mantle. In the end, these leaders will thank you. After all, nobody would want to end up like that Iscariot fellow.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

New Incentive to help raise money for Huckabee

I sent out an email, asking for help raising money for Gov. Huckabee. I made the offer for any business owner that personally, because a business or corporation can't donate to a political candidate, so personally contribute $250 or more to Gov. Huckabee's campaign using my Huckabee Ranger Code of R1702, I would advertise their business on my race car that is raced here in the DFW Metroplex. The bigger the donation, the bigger the spot on the car. I will get none of this money and you get advertising out of it. My spots start at $250, that is why I chose that number. He needs $10,000,000 by Super Tuesday, February 5th.

Let's do our part and show Gov. Huckabee we appreciate his unwavering stance on the issues.

Link to contribution:

Thanks, Jon

Friday, January 25, 2008

Time Each Candidate Has Received at Debates

This was taken from one of Huckabee's blogs. This shows how much time each candidate spoke during the debate. You can see a very biased time allotment.

GOP Debates from October to Jan. 5

Oct. 9 Debate
Thompson 15:57
Gulianni 14:25
Romney 13:57
Mccain 11:59
Huckabee 8:03
Paul 5:43

Oct. 21 Debate
Gulianni 12:29
Romney 11:19
Thompson 10:13
Mccain 9:06
Paul 7:57
Huckabee 5:27

Nov. 28 Debate
Gulianni 15:45
Romney 13:51
Mccain 11:10
Thomspon 10:25
Huckabee 9:47
Paul 7:11

Dec. 12 Debate
Romney 10:26
Huckabee 9:22
Gulianni 8:43
Mccain 6:51
Paul 5:48

Jan. 5 Debate
Romney 17:36
Gulianni 12:56
Mccain 12:11
Huckabee 11:54
Thompson 10:52
Paul 9:24

This does not include SC or last nights debate in FL.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Real Families for Huckabee

Welcome to my new blog, Real Families for Huckabee. This blog is for families who support Gov. Mike Huckabee in his bid for President. Mr. Huckabee stands for the values we as Christians have been praying for. The sanctity of life and families. We need Mr. Huckabee in the White House to fight for what we stand for. Thank you and feel free to contact me anytime.

Jon Moffett