Friday, February 1, 2008

Sean Hannity endorses Romney, THE TRUTH

I needed to send this out, but I was very hesitant. However, after the endorsement that Mitt Romney received from Sean Hannity yesterday, I cannot hold my silence anymore.

In 2006, Bain Capital, which was founded by Mitt Romney, purchased Clear Channel Communications. Clear Channel owns and operates over 1200 radio and tv stations in America. Some of their talk show host include, Rush Limbaugh, who has stated that electing John McCain or Mike Huckabee would destroy the integrity of the Republican Party. It also includes Sean Hannity, who I stated earlier endorsed Mitt Romney. Sean Beck has continually slammed Mike Huckabee on several issues. I don’t know about you but it is clear that Ol’ Mitt is buying this election if he wins.

Please, pass this on to everyone you know. The light has to be shed on this man.

1 comment:

Tom O'Toole said...

Wow! It is super to see "Silent Souls" on a link list ... the very first I might add. Thank you!

Holy Innocents and St. Michael the Archangel, pray for Mike Huckabee and his team!

Silent Souls for Huckabee