Monday, February 11, 2008

February 26th @ 7PM-Voter Awareness Clinic at Church

2008 Voter Awareness Clinic is being held at Real Family Fellowship on Feb. 26th @ 7 PM. This will be an opportunity for you to get up to date on the candidates and issues that are on the Parker County ballot. Jay Sorah and myself will be your commentators for the evening. All candidates on the Parker County ballot who have opponents have been invited to speak.

We are putting this on because as the Election Judge over the past few years, the biggest complaint I hear is that they don't know what they are voting on or for. We want to change that this year.

So, if you have a friend or relative or neighbor that needs some information about the upcoming March 4th primary, tell them about this clinic.


Commited candidates so far:

Larry Lippincott-Incumbant Tax Assessor-Collector
Phil King-Texas State Representative District 61 (Parker/Wise Counties)

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